Get ready for some “ey laughs” if a well-photoshopped image makes you chuckle. Ryan, Matt MacMillian’s premature son, is featured in a few works of art that he created using his photo-editing ѕkіɩɩѕ.

Ryan was born 9 weeks premature, weighing just under 3lbs. He spent 6 weeks in the NICU and it seemed to last forever. Matt and his wife joked that Ryan wasn’t premature, but “advanced,” which gave Matt the idea for a photo series with his premature son. It showed him doing all grown-up, “manly” things to combat the notion that premature babies are somehow weak.

The photos took some effort, but the results are simply hilarious and absolutely worth every minute Matt and his wife put into the project.
Shaving that 5 o’clock shadow

Mowing the lawn

Ьɩowіпɡ the leaves like a champ

Playing poker with the boys

Chopping that firewood

Catching his first fish (and гeɩeаѕe)

Tuning up mom’s Prius

Earning that paycheck (yes we made him a mini briefcase)